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  3. Sturdy Painting Shader for Blender Eevee (3.4+)
  4. Troubleshooting


▼ The shadows on my meshes don’t correspond to the direction and the position of the light sources around them
SOLUTION ▶ : You may have to use on your meshes the Apply All Transformations command (CTRL+A). You may otherwise set the Rotatability slider (added with version 1.1) closer to 10.

▼ Too much light/no shadows
SOLUTION ▶ : Turn off some lights, rotate them, move them away from the mesh or — more probably — just tone down your World Shader strength.

▼ Too dark/no mid-tones or highlights
SOLUTION ▶ : Add some light sources to your scene. Remember you’re painting with light!

▼ When I rotate my mesh, the shadowed parts move along as if attached to the mesh, it doesn’t matter where light is coming from. Not cool, mate
SOLUTION ▶ : Use the new Rotatability slider added with Sturdy version 1.1.

▼ My meshes look black
SOLUTION ▶ : You should probably change your Render Engine from Cycles to EEVEE. Sturdy is EEVEE only.

▼ My colors don’t look the way I want
SOLUTION ▶ : You have been warned! We’re not in a Pixar movie anymore! .)
Sturdy is a highly stylized, gestural painting shader: in a fundamental way, its value lies in its unpredictability.
That said, remember first that you’re painting with light; secondly, you may directly nudge color expression with the Accent Color, the Overlay Color and all the color stops of the Sturdy+ node group.

▼ How do I reset colors and slider values to the default ones?
I fell you, it happens to me all the time.
SOLUTION ▶ : In the Shader Editor, just Add a new Sturdy node group and use it instead of the messed up one. Every time you insert a node group with the Add command it will arrive with its values reset to the default.

▼ My shadows don’t look as sharp as in the sample renders!
SOLUTION ▶ : First, adjust your World shadow settings. If that’s not enough, it may be a question of the scale of your mesh. On your Camera Lens (or View) settings, set Clip End to a suitable value. Smaller meshes and close-ups require smaller values.

▼ I can’t make Sturdy look good when I have many objects and Sturdy-based materials in my scene!
FACT: You may customize colors and create your own variant materials with the provided node groups.
ALSO A FACT: being so luxuriously expressive in its color and brushwork expression, Sturdy may not be a good fit out of the box for complex scenes with many objects :\
SOLUTION ▶ : Since it’s node based, you may always tame Sturdy’s exuberance by combining/masking it with other node setups.

▼ I really want this shader, but boy does it cost too much
SOLUTION ▶ : Think of it as M*ya or P*otoshop. If it’s not overpriced, how will you ever know you don’t need it?!

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